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367 results
Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth (Hardback)
Tolkien: Treasures
Reynard the Fox
Reynard the Fox
The Great Tales Never End: Essays in Memory of Christopher Tolkien
Merton College Library
112 Gripes about the French
Treasures from the Map Room
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
It’s All Greek: Borrowed Words and their Histories
Bodleian Library Treasures (Hardback)
'The Art of The Lord of the Rings' Book
Why North is Up: Map Conventions and Where They Came From
A Brief History of the Bodleian Library - Revised Edition
A Library Miscellany
A Library Miscellany
£5.00 £9.99
Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive
Jane Austen: Illustrated Quotations
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Collector's Edition)
Drink Map of Oxford
Talking Maps
Talking Maps
Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing
The Book Lover's Miscellany
Secrets in a Dead Fish
Secrets in a Dead Fish
£5.00 £8.99
Hyphens & Hashtags*: *The stories behind the symbols on our keyboards
Martha Lloyd's Household Book: The Original Manuscript from Jane Austen's Kitchen
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables
Jewish Treasures
London in Quotations
London in Quotations
£3.00 £5.99
Revolting Remedies from the Middle Ages
The Botany of Gin
Titanic Calling
Titanic Calling
£3.00 £10.00
Roots to Seeds: 400 Years of Oxford Botany
Alice in Wonderland Journal - 'Too Late,' said the Rabbit
The Curious World of Dickens
The Art of Advertising
The Art of Advertising
£20.00 £30.00
Latin Inscriptions in Oxford
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