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Divination, Oracles & Omens
Listen In: How Radio Changed the Home
Book Curses
Book Curses
Oxford Libraries Architecture
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Intrepid Women
Intrepid Women
Pen Names
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Pen Names
Bookish Words & their Surprising Stories
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Type Designers of the Twentieth Century
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Jane Austen in 41 Objects
Alice’s Oxford
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50 Plants that Changed the World
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Splendours of Japan
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Dickens: The Funny Bits
Kafka: Making of an Icon
Kafka Journal
Kafka Journal
Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night
Drink Maps in Victorian Britain
Einstein in Oxford
Oxford's War 1939 - 1945
Catesby's Natural History
London in Quotations
London in Quotations
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How to Be a Good Wife
C. S. Lewis's Oxford
Jewish Languages and Book Culture
Adventures in Maps
Ferdinand Bauer's Remarkable Birds
Bodleian Library Souvenir Guidebook, Revised Edition
A Brief History of the Bodleian Library - Revised Edition
Tolkien Raft-elves Journal
Write Cut Rewrite: The Cutting Room Floor of Modern Literature
Pocket Magna Carta
Clare Leighton's Rural Life
Handwritten: Remarkable People on the Page
Julia Margaret Cameron: A Poetry of Photography
Chaucer Here and Now
The Kennicott Bible
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