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Bodleian Publishing
278 results
Speaking Volumes: Books with Histories
A Splendour of Succulents & Cacti
Libraries and Books in Medieval England The Role of Libraries in a Changing Book Economy
Better Bed Manners
Wisdom from the Ancients
The Making of Shakespeare's First Folio, Revised Edition
Inventing Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot in the Bodleian Library
Gifts and Books
Gifts and Books
Dark Room
Dark Room
The Curious History of Weights & Measures
Cornucopia of Fruit & Vegetables, A: Illustrations from an Eighteenth-Century Botanical Treasury
Forms of Nameless Things, The: Experimental Photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot
Shakespeare's First Folio Journal
Literary Cats
Literary Cats
Bill of Rights: The Origin of Britain’s Democracy
Politics and the English Language by George Orwell
Gathering of Leaves, A: Catalogue for Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2022
Oxford University: Stories from the Archives
Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive
British Dandies: Engendering Scandal and Fashioning a Nation
Defying Hitler: The White Rose Pamphlets
The Historic Heart of Oxford University
Great Literary Friendships
North Sea Crossings: The Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations 1066–1688
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Collector's Edition)
Lighted Window, The: Evening Walks Remembered
Science of Life and Death in 'Frankenstein', The
A Fox for All Seasons Journal: With new Reynard the Fox mini stories
Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley Handwriting Notebook Set
Rachel Owen: Illustrations for Dante’s 'Inferno'
Hawkers, Beggars and Quacks: Portraits from 'The Cries of London'
Secret History of English Spas, The
Roots to Seeds: 400 Years of Oxford Botany
Botanical Art Notebook Set - Lemon, Chillis and Apples
Birds Journal
Birds Journal
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