Children's Books

For Bodleian Children’s Books, our Publisher mines the Library’s collections to discover and republish timeless and beautifully illustrated children’s books; forgotten gems that can be introduced to today's readers. It also includes newly commissioned books, with a connection to libraries, reading and books.

Titles are all handsomely produced as attractive gift hardback editions, to be treasured for future generations.

Samuel Fanous, the Bodleian Library’s Publisher, said: ‘Many children’s books from the twentieth century have that magic combination of timeless stories perfectly illustrated with gorgeous art which can fire the imagination, as many of us remember well from our own childhood. We aim to bring these to new audiences and commission new titles with a similar profile for young readers.’

59 results
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (MinaLima)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Illustrated edition (Hardback)
A Fox for All Seasons Journal: With new Reynard the Fox mini stories
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables
The Princess who Hid in a Tree: An Anglo-Saxon Story
The Hungry Goat
The Hungry Goat
Sinbad the Sailor & Other stories from the Arabian Nights
What Can Cats Do?
There Was an Old Lady
N is for Nursery
What is Round?
What is Round?
What is Red?
What is Red?
£3.00 £12.99
Sleepy Book
Sleepy Book
£3.00 £12.99
The Rain Puddle
The Rain Puddle
£3.00 £12.99
The March Wind
The March Wind
£3.00 £12.99
Father Christmas' ABC
Whale's Way
Whale's Way
£3.00 £10.99
Penguin's Way
Penguin's Way
59 results
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