
From Anglo-Saxon to the twenty-first century, and from social and cultural to political and military history, the Bodleian Library Publishing history list has something for everyone.
98 results
An Englishwoman in California
John Leland: De uiris illustribus / On Famous Men
John Aubrey and the Advancement of Learning
Postcards from Utopia
Postcards of Political Icons
Postcards from The Trenches
The Slave Trade Debate
The Memoirs of Captain Hugh Crow
A Month at the Front
The Cat & the Fiddle
Ralph Ayres' Cookery Book
Latin Inscriptions in Oxford
Dr Radcliffe's Library
New Bodleian - Making the Weston Library
The Booke of Ovyde Named Methamorphose
The Huns Have Got my Gramophone!
Illustrating Empire
Postcards of Lost Royals
Postcards from Checkpoint Charlie
St Margaret's Gospel-book
The College Graces of Oxford and Cambridge
Queen Elizabeth's Book of Oxford
Titanic Calling
Titanic Calling
£3.00 £10.00
Treasures from the Map Room
The Ormesby Psalter
98 results
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